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Bright and Beautiful Hand Painted Picture Frame and Butterfly Print

Bright and Beautiful Hand Painted Picture Frame and Butterfly Print
craft projects handmade gifts

Bright and beautiful is the theme for this project! A video of the process is at the end of this post, if you'd like to watch the overview. Otherwise, let's get started! 

For this project, we will need the following:

  • acrylic paints of your choice. I used Arteza acrylic paints in Rose, Scarlet Red, Burnt Sienna, Prussian Green, Mid Yellow and White
  • small sized artist brushes of your choice. I like Winsor & Newton Cotman brushes and Winsor & Newton University brushes
  • wooden picture frame of your choice. I always recommend second-hand or an extra frame you already have

To begin, you'll want to clean and prep your frame. I use a cloth and a chunky paintbrush to clean them and prep them with several coats of a white or off-white chalk paint or artist's gesso. I have a free PDF download if you would like step-by-step instructions and my specific product recommendations:

Click here for the PDF frame prep guide

First, mix a pale pink color and use this to add the leafy vines in the center of your frame. My frame had two levels to it, but you can do this with a flat frame, as well. Just leave space outside the pink for our next layer of color (see the finished project below).

Start with the center of the stems in graceful, curvy waves. Add tiny tick marks that will be the stems for your leaves. For the leaves, hold the brush so that the very tip is touching at first, apply more pressure as you pull away from the stem and then end with only the tip touching again. Watch the video at the end of this post if you would like to watch me make my leaves. Finish by using a darker shade of pink to add shadows to the ends of the leaves, alternating between the stem and and the outside end. Let this completely dry.

Next up, we'll add our green ferns outside the pink leaves. Use the same technique as above, starting with a lighter shade of green and adding a darker shade for shadows. Using either of those shades of green, add tiny polka dots in the white spaces around your pink leaves.

Now, it's sparkle o-clock! I like to reference sparkles used in mid-century illustrations for inspiration. Using the darker shade of pink, make all different sizes and shapes of the sparkles around the green ferns. I like to add in polka dots, too.

Your frame is all set! Add your favorite print or photo to finish it off. I had fun with this one and used two prints, cutting one apart and adding spacers to create a 3D effect. If you would like your own copy of my butterfly print, click here

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If you try this project and share online, be sure to include #PaperPrairie - we would love to see what you make and possibly share your work with our friends ❤️
Keep scrolling to the end for the video ↓

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